Descendants of James Wright

Genealogy Information Request

This is a genealogy report of James Wright, born in NY in 1801. James farmed first in Tompkins County then in Tioga County, NY. His wife was Jemima Clark and they raised a total of 9 children. We have located information as far back as the Great-Grandparents of Jemima Clark but have not been able to locate any documentation on the parents of James Wright. This report on the Wright family begins with Ephriam Clark, great-grandfather of Jemima Clark. If you have any additions, corrections, comments or suggestions, please e-mail Dave Gustner at the above e-mail address. If you are a part of this family, we would love to hear from you.

We wish to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed to this report. In particular, the years of research and talent of Lucy Belill are especially appreciated. This site was last updated September 17, 2023.

NOTE: This report now begins with Ephraim Clark, great-grandfather of Jemima Clark, wife of George Wright.

Descendants of James Wright .pdf file
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